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18500 Murdock Circle
Port Charlotte, FL 33948

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蒂珀卡努河二世 Aerial

蒂珀卡努河二世 Mitigation Area is a 182-acre mitigation preserve for the Florida scrub-jay and was acquired primarily to mitigate impacts to two families of scrub-jays for two County projects, but to also provide passive public recreation. The Mitigation Area contains scrub habitat and scrubby flatwoods, 干旱的吊床, 介子的低洼树林, 高地混交林, 沼泽, and a small area of palm hammock.

The majority of the Mitigation Area is scrub which is ranked as an imperiled and imperiled globally habitat. The scrub is dominated by sand live oak over an understory of scattered 塞润榈, 生锈的lyonia, 杨梅属植物, 和小道消息. While the scrubby flatwoods consists of vegetation typical of this vegetation community, including slash pine, 塞润榈, 各种橡木品种, 棕榈, 生锈的lyonia, tarflower, 爪爪, 小道消息, milkpea, 美浆果. Sections of the scrubby flatwoods are overgrown, likely due to fire suppression. The overstory is crowded with large oaks, the 塞润榈 is tall, and Brazilian pepper occurs in some areas. These habitats are home to Florida scrub-jay, and gopher tortoise, a keystone species. This means that numerous other species are dependent on the gopher tortoise and its burrow for survival, such as the Florida mouse, 靛蓝蛇, 还有地鼠蛙.

The palm hammock appears to be a remnant of a former slough. It consists of a linear depression in the flatwoods that transitions to uplands, consisting primarily of 棕榈s, 带状草地, flatsedges, 丝草, blackroot, and scattered slash pines and scrub oaks. The tidal marsh/swamp is found on the southernmost parcel. This area is considered sovereign submerged lands. The area is likely to host juncus and mangroves and may be utilized by the wood storks, 秃鹰, 三色的苍鹭, 小蓝鹭, 雪白鹭, white ibis and American alligators.

约帕大街16259号., Port Charlotte, FL 33948
电话: 941.613.3220 


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