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18500 Murdock Circle
Port Charlotte, FL 33948

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What Does Or Does Not Require A Permit


虽然下面列出的工作不需要许可证,但可能仍然需要持牌承包商. 物业业主有权执行以下工作,但如果业主决定雇用某人, 如注明,可能需要持牌承建商.



Section 105.1 Required. 佛罗里达州建筑法规要求许可证如下:

Any owner 或业主授权的代理人有意建造、扩建、改建、 repair, move, demolish, 或改变建筑物或构筑物的占用, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, 转换或更换任何抗冲击覆盖物, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, 其安装由本规范规定, or to cause any such work to be performed, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit.

Exception For Certain Mechanical Work


  • Any portable heating appliance;
  • Any portable ventilation equipment;
  • Any portable cooling unit;
  • Any steam, 本守则所规管的任何加热或冷却设备内的热水或冷冻水管道;
  • 更换任何不改变其认可或使其不安全的部件;
  • Any portable evaporative cooler;
  • 任何含有1磅或更少制冷剂的独立制冷系统,由1马力(746瓦)或更小的电机驱动.
  • 任何负荷管理控制装置的安装、更换、拆卸或计量.

Work Not Requiring a Permit


  • 商业低压防盗,安全,有线电视和电话安装. (contractor required).
  • Commercial painting.
  • Commercial pressure washing.
  • 单户住宅或复式住宅的遮阳篷(只安装在墙上)(注:多户住宅和商业建筑需要许可证). (contractor required)
  • 住宅机柜的安装或拆卸. (contractor required)
  • Residential drywall repair if located outside of a Flood Zone. (contractor required)
  • Residential drywall repair if located inside a Flood Zone and the repair is 100 sq. ft. or less. However, if the repair is located both inside a洪涝区,修复面积大于100平方公里. ft.,则需要获得许可证,并附上显示工程所在地的平面图草图. (contractor required)
  • 住宅景观美化,不包括洒水装置.
  • Residential landscaping retaining walls, provided the wall holds back soil only, requires a building permit. If 47”or less in height, only a Zoning review is needed. If 48” or more 在高度方面,需要提供工程计划,并且需要进行建筑和分区审查.
  • 住宅地板覆盖物的安装或拆除,如地毯、瓷砖或层压板.
  • 住宅楼面护套维修面积小于100平方米. ft. 工程不包括维修楼板结构梁.
  • 住宅低压装置,包括安全,有线电视和电话. (contractor required)
  • Residential painting.
  • Residential paneling.
  • 住宅藤架,前提是它们是单一的, 独立的(不与任何其他结构相连),最大尺寸为12英尺. x 12 ft. with no footings required, with no roofing or sheathing, 没有电力或水管设施,并符合分区条例(请致电941致电分区计划).743.1964).
  • Residential pressure washing.
  • 住宅卫星天线(混凝土板必须有许可证).
  • 塑料或橡胶制造的住宅棚屋,68平方米. ft. or less in area. However, 它们必须遵守分区限制,如果有热带风暴的威胁,它们必须被转移和保护.
  • 住宅壁板安装(100平方米以下. ft.). (contractor required)
  • Residential soffits replacement. (under 25 sq. ft.). (contractor required)
  • 用于住宅泳池供暖的住宅太阳能毯(光伏或其他类型的太阳能供暖需要许可证).
  • 住宅粉刷装置(25平方米以下. ft.). (contractor required)
  • Asphalt or gravel driveways (must be individually reviewed; may require a Right-of-Way Permit).
  • Door panel only replacement (no frame).
  • 更换电器装置,以牙还牙. (contractor required)
  • Flagpoles. 虽然不需要许可证,但其他规定如下: 
    • 旗杆必须遵守该旗杆所在分区的高度限制.
    • 旗杆不得位于地役权范围内,除非业主通过县房地产服务部门获得地役权占用的批准.
    • 旗杆不得妨碍能见度,且必须位于任何能见度三角形之外.
    • Call 800.432.4770 within 2 business days before digging.
  • Glass only replacement in windows & doors.
  • Minor repairs meeting the criteria of Section 105.2.2 2014年佛罗里达州建筑规范的小修.
  • 仅供农业用途的牧场/铁丝网围栏.
  • 更换管道设备,以牙还牙. (contractor required)
  • Re-screening.
  • River rock installation.
  • Roof repairs less than 100 sq. ft. (“1方”),工作不包括修理桁架或椽子.
  • Screen door replacement.
  • Screening existing covered patios, balconies, carports, 有典型昆虫屏障的阳台或门廊, 既不会增加也不会改变建筑的占地面积.
  • Solar powered attic exhaust fans. (contractor required)
  • Tents which are 400 sq. ft. 或更少,不会用于容纳超过50人.
  • 更换浴缸/淋浴间地板的瓷砖(如工程包括更换花洒盘), then a permit is required).

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