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18500 Murdock Circle
Port Charlotte, FL 33948

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Fruitland Avenue Avenue of the Americas Sidewalk

Project Description

Design and construct a sidewalk on Fruitland Avenue and Avenue of the Americas.

Project Location

Fruitland Avenue from Winchester Boulevard to Gulfstream Boulevard and Avenue of the Americas from San Casa Drive to Winchester Boulevard.

Latest Updates

The Avenue of the Americas / Fruitland sidewalk construction was approved by the BCC at the March 12th meeting. Most of this project falls into a scrub jay nesting zone and no clearing of woody vegation can be removed during this time which ends July 1st. The contractor has set a start date of June 10th. for work not in the nesting areas and will move into those areas after nesting season ends. Schedules and materials are being finalized at this time.


Phase Cost
Design $170,960.30
Construction $714,000.00
Total Budget $884,960.30
Funding source(s): This project is funded as part of the 2020 sales tax CIP


Phase Estimated Start Date Forecast Completion Actual Completion
Planning and Approval 10/01/2021 11/30/2021 03/22/2022
Design Development 03/23/2022 11/18/2023 12/28/2023
Construction 06/03/2024 01/01/2025

Project Phase

Last Updated

Project Manager
Raymond Slade

Public Relations
Tracy Doherty
Email Public Relations

Project Number

Sponsor Department
Public Works

Design Engineer/Architect

Construction Contractor

Sales Tax Project

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